Jaldhaka- A proper information for visitors 2022
GET CLOSE TO NATURE ON THE BANKS OF THE RIVER IN JALDHAKA. Jaldhaka in north bengal is surrounded by natural beauty and its neigubour include the dragon kingdom of Bhutan. The gently meandering river Jaldhaka plays the role of a border between two countries. The Jaldhaka river offers many moments of peaceful reflections, and when you are in mood for adventure, the gorumara national park is at the next door offers a unique outdoor experience of wildlife adventure. Jaldhaka, actually is the name of entire area, such as jholung, Bindu, Paren, Gairibas, Rongo and Todey-Tangta. Please do not get confused there's no particular place called by the name Jaldhaka. Jholung is one of the main markets of the whole area, where a maximum number of shops are established to fulfil the needs of local people. Besides this, there are banks, post offices, police stations, customer care center and the forest range office established in Jholung bazar. There is only one...